Dining room staging is necessary whether you have a formal dining room, a great room or a simple eating area that is located right off the kitchen. The dining room holds a special place in the hearts of many families, since it is in this room that holidays are celebrated, guests fed and entertained and the entire family comes together to share their lives with each other daily. Finding an appealing style and atmosphere in the dining area can really encourage buyers to warm-up to your home, when comparing it to competitive properties.
This resource section focuses on enhancing the presentation of the dining area as part of an effective home staging plan.
Dining Room Staging Techniques
The dining room should be one of the easiest areas to stage in any home.
The table is the obvious focal point, so be sure to maximize its appeal and impact in the room.
Do not clutter small rooms with china cabinets or sideboards, but instead, simply remove them for a better flow and a larger appearance.
Accessory pieces are nice for a large room, but do not go too crazy and think that you have to fill every wall with furniture.
Create a cohesive design with proper lighting from a well chosen chandelier that is hung 30 to 36 inches over the center of the table. Make sure to have other sources of light in the room, natural and otherwise.
Paint this room a warm color to encourage the appetite, but do not go too bright or taste-specific.
A chair rail is a nice touch and can be installed in a matter of a few hours with minimal work.
Keep the windows unobstructed and optimize the natural light with airy window treatments, rather than stuffy, old and heavy draperies. Avoid any type of blinds in the dining room, as this look is certainly not appetizing.
Dining Room Home Staging Troubles
Some people rarely use their dining room, while others eat there daily. Just be sure to keep the room nice and clean, with the table set at all times. This entails that once you have finished eating, you will immediately reset the table once it is cleared. It will take 5 extra minutes, but will leave you well prepared for sudden, unexpected visits by potential buyers. You may have to invest in a few new linens, but these can be found inexpensively and will truly enhance the décor.
Always keep the table fully set, glasses, utensils and all. Place fresh flowers in a low vase in the center to promote conversation. Keep nicely scented candles in the room, flavored in sumptuous fragrances. This will really make buyers want to sit down and eat here for themselves.
Remember to vacuum under the table regularly to prevent the buildup of any food or waste scraps. This is especially crucial if you have small children about.
Dining Room Staging Summary
Dining room home staging revolves around the table. So keep that in mind with your budget. You will probably already have everything you need to set a fine looking banquet, but may have to invest in some table cloths and accessories. Never use plastic anything and add cloth napkins in rings for a professional look.
Make the room feel like a fine restaurant, but with all the warmth and comfort of home. Also, make the room look like you use it regularly, even if you don’t. If the buyer asks, let them know that you eat here every night. This will help sell the lifestyle image you are trying so hard to create with your staging efforts. Most of all, keep the light bright and the glasses, utensils and plates spotless. This will enhance their shine and reflective qualities in the room.