A home fluffer, or house fluffer, is another vocational term for a home stager. This nomenclature came about since fluffers are people who tidy up and organize a place, much akin the way in which one would fluff a pillow in order to make it more comfortable and appealing. Property fluffers are a crucial component of real estate marketing, so no matter what you choose to call them, just make sure not to ignore them. Doing so could penalize you financially, as well as cost you precious time when selling your home.
This dialog examines the colorful profession of house fluffing and sheds light on the design experts who facilitate such effective and low-cost property enhancements.
A Career as a Home Fluffer
Home staging careers are some of the most sought after in the real estate and decorating industries. There are many home stager training programs available and many companies actively recruit suitable candidates, train them and then hire them as professional certified stagers.
Being that this is a growth industry, there are likely to be many job openings for several decades to come. In a time of economic uncertainty, many people are deciding to pursue a change of career path as a home stager or home staging consultant.
House Fluffer Ideology
Home stagers are not in business to improve the look and feel of your home for your own benefit. They are marketing professionals, more than decorators, and sell their services for the exclusive purpose of getting you more money for your home and selling it faster than it would normally sell if unstaged.
Real estate agents generally can’t say enough good things about home stagers, since staging a property makes an agent’s job so much simpler. A terrific staging design will photograph beautifully, bringing in many potential buyer viewings without too much expensive property advertising. Generally a few days on MLS will be enough to start the bidding competition for the best staged properties. In the end, this saves your real estate agent time, effort and tons of money in print ads and other forms of costly traditional marketing.
Advice on Using a Home Fluffer
If you are thinking about selling your home, make sure to “fluff it up” first. Investing some money in hiring a home stager will pay huge dividends when it comes to maximizing the profit on your home and selling in the shortest listing time possible. As an added benefit of home staging, the costs of preparing a property for sale are tax deductible, making the entire process a win/win situation indeed. You have nothing at all to lose and so much to gain.
If I can help you by answering any questions about home staging or real estate marketing, feel free to ask. You can contact me anytime and I look forward to hearing from you. I formerly provided property consulting services on Long Island and in New York City, but my inexpensive book is a great way to benefit from my knowledge anywhere in the world. Get it here.