A property stylist is another of the many names used for professionals in the home styling industry. Remember that home stylists are different than home stagers, even though the design skills utilized are nearly identical. The difference is all in the way a stylist operates to please the aesthetic needs and wants of their client, while a stager works to enact an atmosphere of universal appeal in order to attract buyers to a saleable property. It is basically decorating versus property sales marketing.
Of course, design pros who already have the skills needed to work in these professions can choose to work in either capacity or both, making staging and styling complementary professions which can grow together to increase the profitability of any business.
This narrative focuses on property decorating professionals and the services they offer at a bargain price.
Hiring a Property Stylist
Clients who hire real estate stylists do so because they want to change their living environments, without renovating or spending too much money. Home stylists are proficient at making sweeping alterations in the look, feel and flow of a home by using purely inexpensive and surface changes to the cosmetics of the design style. Stylists will not address serious functional or any structural issues, but instead will change furnishings and layouts in order to better represent the preferences of their client’s tastes.
The difference between a home stylist and an interior decorator is subtle and many professionals do not make a definite distinction between these career paths. In my opinion, decorating is more of a financial investment, despite its surface nature, while styling is typically far less expensive and can be used more often to provide regular changes in the home décor for minimal monetary expenditure.
Home Stylist Vocation
In order to become a home stylist, candidates can undertake the same types of training opportunities as those utilized by aspiring home stagers. The more design skills and natural talent a stylist brings to the table, the better they will typically be prepared to serve their client’s needs.
Design is certainly a combination of in-born and learned skill sets, so it is always great to have both a natural gift for creativity, as well as a formal education, in order to reach the highest levels of these professional arts. However, people can succeed with exclusively natural talent or exclusively formal training. Just remember that once you have the knowledge and practical skills to succeed, you can choose how you want to apply them, working as a home stager, home stylist, interior decorator or all three. This is the wonderful versatility afforded by a quality education in the design arts and sciences.
Guidance on Property Stylists
If you are interested in enhancing your interior space, without spending too much money, then hiring a real estate stylist may be just the solution for you. Stylists will consult with you to better understand what you desire from your rooms and will then put together a plan for your approval.
Typically, they will show you sketches of their ideas and materials they would like to integrate into your design plan. Once you are on the same ideological page, they can most often get the actual stylizing job done in a day or two.
Home styling is affordable enough to be used regularly or even for special events that you choose to hold in your home. Many people hire a home stylist once just to change things up inside, while others hire stylists seasonally in order to bring new elements into their homes throughout the year.
However you choose to include home styling into your lives, I can basically guarantee that you will be delighted with the results. There is simply no other way to get a professional design performed at such a fair and modest cost.