Home staging for real estate agents is a skill which is easily learned and is a proven method for increasing the effectiveness of traditional property marketing techniques. As a real estate professional, you must contend with competition to get listings, competition to keep listings and competition to sell your listings. Learning the basics of simple home staging can provide you with the edge you truly need to get a leg-up on your competition and earn more money from each listing you acquire, as well as from each sale you close.
This commentary provides real estate agents and brokers with some valuable advice concerning their ability to offer property staging services.
Learning Home Staging for Real Estate Agents
Real estate agents and brokers are masters of the property marketing industry. The skills needed to become a successful agent are many of the same skills needed to earn a reputation as a talented home stager. Most real estate professionals develop an eye for what a buyer really wants in a property, so making the transition to residential staging is simple and fast.
In fact, many agents forgo formal staging education in favor of learning via home staging books or attending intensive short-term staging seminars to acquire the knowledge they need to integrate real estate staging into their business model.
However, for agents who choose to pursue a formal education in staging, the abilities learned will always be assets in their career path and will pay for themselves many times over. Education is never a waste in any field.
Home Staging Tips for Property Pros
Property agents are busy people and need to know for sure that adding staging to the list of services they offer will make them money for the time invested. Staging will help enhance the listing, making it more appealing to a wider and larger potential buyer demographic. With all the time and money spent marketing listings, it is comforting to know that home staging is the most effective of all property advertising strategies.
While some real estate and staging firms choose to invest in their own furnishings, warehouse space and movers, most simply utilize the home staging consultant model, allowing the seller to do their own actual work, or subcontracting the furniture rental and art rental to third party providers.
This allows real agent agents who offer staging to concentrate on the main job at hand, which is selling the home as soon as possible, for as much money as possible. Agents might be amazed at how effective it can be to simply guide their listing clients in the process of enhancing their homes; all with the promise of a faster turn-around time and greater profit.
Necessity of Home Staging for Real Estate Agents
I highly recommend that any serious real estate professional take the time to learn at least the basic skills involved in property staging. If you can earn a credential from a staging school, this will make it far easier to advise sellers of changes which should be made, in order to better market their homes.
You all know how touchy it can be to know that a seller’s décor is abysmal, but not know how to tell them, without hurting their feelings and possibly losing the listing. Offering the seller expert advice as a qualified staging professional takes opinion and taste off the table, leaving room only for professional guidance from an specialist in the field. This alone makes the investment in home stager training worth its weight in gold.