There are several possible methods of calculating the various home staging fees to ascertain the total cost of a property staging plan. Every staging service has their own unique pricing structure, so it is crucial for every consumer to know exactly what they are getting for their money and how much the total cost will be before signing a contract with any particular home stager.
This important discussion will focus on the types of fees that might be charged by a property stager and how to be sure that you are getting excellent value for your monetary investment in real estate staging.
Advantages of Paying Home Staging Fees
Of course, no one wants to spend money on a home that they are planning on selling, if it can be avoided. However, home staging is always a terrific investment, since the total cost of preparing a house for sale is tax-deductible. Additionally, the cost of home staging will not only allow you to sell your home faster, reducing the amount you must spend on marketing and maintaining it, but will also provide you with higher valued offers, netting you a sizably increased profit margin.
Statistics show that staged homes sell for up to 17% higher than comparable unstaged properties. While this is at the high-end of the statistical spectrum, even a far more realistic increase of 8% will net you an increased profit of $24,000 on an average price home, with a total investment of under $3000.
Types of Home Staging Charges
The various fees which may or may not be included into your total real estate staging budget will likely include:
- Home stager design fees or consultant fees
- Cost of any home repairs
- Cost of appliance or fixture upgrades
- Cost to improve or maintain landscaping
- Cost of furniture rental, upfront and ongoing
- Cost of art rental, upfront and ongoing
Remember that some companies will include everything you need into one price, while others charge a per-service fee separately. There is no inherent advantage to either form of price structure, but it is important to know what is included and what is additional with any staging company.
Opinions on the Value of Home Staging Fees
Upfront costs for home staging may be all inclusive or may be independent from recurring charges for furniture, art or accessory rental. Make sure to consider recurring fees carefully, since a home which remains on the market for a long time will incur repeat charges month after month. Most home stagers set up their businesses to be advantageous to you as a seller. Stagers want you to be happy, satisfied and profitable with your real estate transactions. That being said, I advise going over all the details of your staging contract to ensure that there are no “little surprises” which might eat into your financial bottom line.
Remember that there are many property stagers out there and if you do not like the fee structure, or business practices of one, you can certainly hire another.