Home staging appliances is an important part of any overall kitchen staging project. Appliances are always a major consideration for potential buyers who come to view your home. They will look at the age, condition, color and style of the appliances in order to formulate an opinion of your kitchen design and functionality. This is why it is vital to spend some dedicated time preparing the appliances in your home for sale before listing the property on the open real estate market.
This treatise explores some truly simple fixes for the most common kitchen appliance concerns that should be addressed prior to selling any home.
Reasons for Home Staging Appliances
Problematic issues with kitchen appliances can be multi-faceted. Here are some of the most common issues I see in kitchens when staging for clients:
There are often too many small appliances cluttering up the counter space.
Old and worn appliances might function well, but are aesthetic eyesores.
Cheap appliances are out of place in higher-end kitchens and in luxury homes.
Nice appliances can still be liabilities if they are simply dirty or ill-kept.
Broken appliances can become real deal-breakers.
Solutions for Enhancing Appliances
Just as there are problems with many kitchens, there are also solutions. Some of these fixes can be expensive, but most can be completed for little money and some can even be performed for free. Here are a few easy fixes for common kitchen appliance issues:
Remove small appliances from the counter tops and store them away. It is acceptable to keep one out, such as a coffee-maker or blender.
Appliance replacement will solve many problems, but can be expensive. I typically recommend replacing an appliance in a high-end kitchen, if it is broken or if the condition is beyond any easy fix. Statistics show that a monetary investment in kitchen appliances is very safe and most sellers get the money back 100% after the sale.
Working appliances in ugly colors or older styles can actually be painted or refinished. Refrigerators are easy to paint and can look new for the price of a can of enamel appliance colorant. Dishwashers can be easily updated by changing out the front color panel. Adding a stainless steel front will make any old machine look brand new. Even stoves and ranges can be painted, using specialized heat-resistant enamel paint or a sprayed-glass finish that is available from contractors for under $200.
The easiest fix is a really good cleaning and polishing, including fingerprint and grease removal. This will help any kitchen to shine and impress prospective buyers.
Guidance on Home Staging Appliances
Currently, virtually every home buyer wants stainless steel appliances. Additionally, commercial-grade units are particularly popular. Both of these options can be expensive, with high-end trios of refrigerators, ranges and dishwashers priced up to $30,000 or more. However, you can get toned-down versions for less than one tenth the price. Remember that staging is about appearance. It is easy to find beautiful appliance packages for about $2000, which will literally transform your kitchen to a lovely and impressive space.
If you do not need to replace, then consider refacing or painting functional, but worn appliances. This is not as hard as it may seem and your local paint store will provide you with the products and instructions you need to do the job perfectly.