It is vital for all real estate and design professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest home staging news, so that they can offer clients the latest trends and most effective strategies on a day to day basis. Remember, home staging is a soft-science and as such, is prone to changing with the times and needs of clients.
However, it is equally important for home staging consumers to update themselves on the latest happenings in the real estate sector. After all, they have the most to gain from knowing how to market their properties effectively.
This discussion details some of the changes that have occurred recently in the property staging industry. We also provide an explanation on why trends change in real estate marketing and interior design.
Home Staging News Sources
We pride ourselves on being the largest website dedicated exclusively to home staging. We are certainly the definitive online property staging resource. Therefore, we provide all the latest trends in home staging with each new article we publish. If you want to learn the latest techniques involved in staging, all you really have to do is read our site weekly and you will be informed on everything that is going on in the world of property marketing.
However, there are many other quality sources of staging news, as well, and we do recommend using as many of these as is practical in order to truly enhance your knowledge base. Some of the best staging news providers include: HGTV, The DIY Network, various periodical publications by home staging and real estate associations, your local quality real estate office and larger niche publications, such as architectural and interior design magazines.
You can never learn too much and to truly become an expert home stager, you should live and breathe staging each and every day. If it is news, you should be on the forefront in order to best capitalize on the trend.
Real Estate Industry News
The staging industry is always in flux, due to continuously changing real estate marketplace fluctuations. Depending on market conditions, stagers must understand how to properly market to potential clients and how to strategize and budget the assignments that they undertake.
Over the yeas, I have seen a move towards more economical means of staging take precedence over pricey full-service staging. There are more DIYers than ever before and many stagers have embraced the consultant model that I have been using for years already.
Home sellers want to maximize the value of each dollar invested in their marketing plan and this requires a true expert in staging in order to satisfy the most discriminating clients. Therefore, while there are more stagers today than ever before, only the best property enhancement professionals are making the type of money that qualifies a successful business.
Additionally, since more real estate offices have added home staging services to their list of offerings, the average home seller now has access to staging, when in years past, only higher-end properties typically benefited from pre-sales aesthetic improvement.
Making Home Staging News
I love to see home stagers grab a piece of the spotlight and now more than ever, staging professionals are featured on television, on the web and in magazine articles. More people now know all about staging and fully understand that the practice represents one of the very best ways to market saleable property in existence today.
If you are working in the staging sector, stand up and be noticed. Be sure to constantly seek media attention for your business and go out of your way to inform people about the many benefits of home staging. Not only will these techniques help you to expand your own business endeavors, but raising public awareness of staging benefits the entire industry as a whole.
Stay tuned in the coming months and years, as we continue to bring you the very latest happenings in the real estate staging sector. We have our finger on the pulse of the industry and will be sure that you never miss anything when it comes to the latest and greatest news in home staging.