Home staging works better than any other type of real estate marketing to get your home sold quickly and for maximum profit. Staging is proven to work optimally due to its direct influence on the mindset of prospective buyers using design and psychological elements.
Why should you stage your home prior to listing it for sale? This is the easiest answer to provide! You MUST stage to sell in order to sell faster and for the most money. It is really that simple. Staging has been studied by many top real estate experts and has been ranked as the single most effective marketing strategy that can be utilized to get a residential or commercial property rented or sold!
This post takes a look at how and why home staging works so well to get the job of selling or renting done!
How Home Staging Works
Home staging is far more than just changing design elements of the property, although improving the look, feel and flow of the house is certainly important. Design is just one element of excellent home staging! However, the more important component is the psychological impact good staging has on buyer mindset.
Staging creates a vision of a perfect lifestyle in the ideal property. Buyers can see themselves living in the property and being happy, since staging appeals to them at a very personal level. In fact, the best home staging designs will demonstrate universal appeal that can create bidding wars on the best properties in any type of real estate market conditions.
In essence, staging makes the most of the inherent property characteristics, changes elements of the design that do not work and creates a lifestyle image of happiness for potential buyers. This is powerful stuff!
Property Staging Works Universally
Over-personification will ruin any real estate marketing plan. Appealing to only a limited buyer pool will greatly reduce the chances of selling quickly and for top dollar. Instead, it is best to create a vision of universal appeal that will make all types of buyers find themselves in your home. This is the way to get a property sold now and for maximum profitability!
Staging de-personalizes your home, removing you and your life from the property in order to create a welcoming new start for prospective buyers. Remember, no one wants to buy your life. They want their own! You must court buyers by making them see themselves living happily in your home if you want to sell. This is a basic fact of real estate marketing.
Home Staging Works and You Get Paid!
Yes, home staging is an extra step in your marketing plan. Yes, staging can cost more money, although there are great ways to save on this cost, such as performing DIY staging or using barter. These are the only downsides. Realistically, staging can be completed in a matter of days in most cases and will not cost very much. However, the benefits of home staging will be exponential over the effort!
Home staging is proven to get properties rented or sold much faster. Home staging is proven to get properties sold for more money. Due to the high price of real estate, even a 5% increase in sale price can mean tens of thousands of dollars extra! I have seen the best staging increase sale price up to 13% in some cases!!! This can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for expensive properties in high-end real estate markets…
Are you sold on the idea home staging yet? Do you want to sell your home? Lol… If so, then you need home staging as the secret weapon in your marketing plan. Now is the best time ever to utilize the proven power of home staging to make your real estate sales dreams come true, as well as create the ideal circumstances to pass along your good fortune to the new owner of your home to live happily ever after!