The price of home staging is surely one of the best values in the entire real estate marketing industry. Dollar-for-dollar, you are unlikely to see such an incredible return on your investment from virtually any other home improvement method that can be used to spruce-up the house before it is sold. Additionally, home fluffing fees are tax deductible, making the actual cost free, and bringing you a quick sale, at a higher price. This is a real win for any homeowner.
This essay provides a detailed breakdown of typical home staging prices. More importantly, the actual value of home staging will be discussed, since this is a far more crucial criterion than price alone.
Actual Price of Home Staging
When figuring out the budget for your home staging, many professionals say to reserve 1% of the value of the residence. However, I find that individual circumstances can change this recommended figure considerably, up or down.
If the home is in excellent shape and the décor is neutral and appealing, then there is no sense spending more money just to bring in unneeded improvements. On the counterpoint, if the home really needs lots of help, the cost may be greater, but at least the profit brought in by the staging will also go up proportionately.
Remember that many homeowners see a very high return on their staging investment, with ratios of 5 to 1 per dollar spent being easy to achieve and ratios as high as 10 to 1 being commonplace.
Cost of Home Staging Variables
The cost of home staging will depend greatly on the type of preparation method you choose to stage your home. Full service staging is always more money than DIY staging. However, the professional approach will also usually enact far better results.
One of the best compromises is to hire a home staging consultant for design and planning help, but perform the actual sweat equity portion of the staging on your own. This is a great way to optimize the look you want to achieve and save lots of money in the process. DIY staging with a consultant can be completed for one quarter to one half of the cost of professional full service staging, making it a truly remarkable value.
Calculating the Total Price of Home Staging
Investing some money into your property in order to make it more appealing to prospective buyers is easy to justify, given the many proven benefits of home staging. Learning more about property staging will help you to decide how you want to utilize staging in your home and how much you should budget to get the job done right. Remember, spending too little may yield disappointing results, while spending too much is simply a waste of financial resources.
Make sure to hire a home stager who can not only enhance you property, but also one who can preserve the sanctity of the home, while you continue to live there, and do so on a budget which works for you and your family.