Looking for the most effective tiny house staging techniques? We have you covered with the best tips for selling a tiny house with home staging. Tiny houses are becoming real contenders in the property market and show promise of being a dramatic growth industry in the future as property prices continue to rise and land becomes an ever-more scare commodity.
Tiny houses are starting the hit the resale market place in record numbers in some areas of the world and eventually will probably account for a substantial percentage of saleable housing worldwide. Tiny houses might be tied to land, but most are free to roam, allowing sellers to really focus on selling the attributes of the housing unit itself, rather than having to worry about the location, neighborhood and other features of traditional land-based residential housing.
This fascinating guide provides important tips of staging a tiny house to sell. The information in this report is useful for current owners who plan on selling their “used” homes, as well as builders and retailers of new tiny houses. This article focuses on tiny homes that are mobile and not simply very small traditional pieces of real estate that come with land.
Tiny House Staging Goals
For resellers, it is important to highlight the efficiency, charm and excellent condition of their tiny home, despite being lived-in previously. Tiny homes do not generally appreciate like actual land-based real estate, unless of course, they come with land. However, most do not and are considered mobile housing for the purposes of this article. In order to recoup their investment, resellers will have to really make their houses appealing, or lower the price, in order to entice potential purchasers to consider used, rather than brand new and custom-designed just for them. Home staging is one of the most effective ways to accomplish this objective.
Likewise, staging is the best way for builders and retailers of brand new tiny houses to make their show models shine. Tiny houses have several impediments to overcome, but with expert staging, can be just as appealing as full sized homes for buyers who are considering this alternative tiny option to traditional housing. Builders and retailers should always be sure to utilize all the strategies of home staging in order to create an environment of universal appeal for a diverse buyer pool of prospective purchasers.
Tiny Home Staging Suggestions
Below, we provide a plethora of suggestions that are perfectly suited to staging any tiny home for maximum aesthetic and functional appeal:
Space is at a premium, so it is important to conserve it and maximize every single square inch of space. Be sure to keep everything proportionate to the size of the unit and do not allow the space to be dominated or wasted by overly large, visually-heavy or over-personalized items or features.
Color is very important in small spaces to provide texture and contrast. Do not go with all true neutrals in a small space, but be cautious about choosing colors that will have universal appeal to a wide buyer pool.
Light is super crucial to make the space feel open and alive. A tiny, dark space is called a hole. No one wants to live in a holeā¦ Maximize natural and artificial light with minimalistic window treatments and the placement of additional low profile lighting, as needed.
Of course, make sure that all the infrastructure, such as electrical, plumbing and appliance systems are in good repair and fully functional. No one wants to take on a headache when it comes to such a small space.
Try to get double or even duty out of fixtures and spaces. Since space is really limited, features like Murphy beds, folding tables and chairs and convertible furniture are hugely appealing.
Do not neglect art for the sake of function. Make sure to provide some aesthetic designs in the space, but make sure they are complementary and not intrusive in any way to design or function.
Be sure to read all of our helpful essays on home staging to become truly adept at staging tiny houses, especially if you are working in the industry and will be staging many over the course of time. Remember, all of our information is free and we even have special tips and tricks that can exponentially improve your staging results in our inexpensive and peer-acclaimed book.
Tiny House Staging Summary
Following this simple guide will help all tiny house sellers to maximize the appeal of their offerings, increase the price they can ask for the tiny home and help to connect potential buyers to the home on an emotional level. While some home staging techniques are not needed in tiny houses, most will work perfectly, when adapted for the diminutive atmosphere of a cozy little home.
Remember that tiny homes generally appeal to people with an alternative mindset and those who do not want to invest in more traditional mobile housing, such as an RV or trailer. These people love the idea of owning what appears to be a normal house, but just would rather keep the scale small, manageable, intimate and affordable, so keep these characteristics in mind as you use home staging to make these little gems really shine!