What is home staging? This is a common question asked by people who have not been involved in a competitive real estate transaction for quite some time. Years ago, homes were rarely staged for sale. They were simply listed on the open market and eventually sold. Today, sellers realize the many benefits of home staging in terms of a faster and easier sale, as well as a higher selling price. It is time for every home owner to understand that house fluffing is right for them and their homes. Commercial property staging is a niche sector of the home staging industry. Although the target of these techniques is commercial real estate, the goals of renting or selling the space fast and for maximum return are identical.
This resource section defines modern home staging, as well as detailing why it is so crucial to the success of any property sales effort.
What is Home Staging? / How is it Defined?
Home staging, by definition, is the art and science of optimizing a home’s appeal to the largest number of potential buyers. In order to achieve this end, home stagers use a variety of techniques to create an environment of universal marketability for the property by decluttering, re-arranging, re-accessorizing, repairing, de-personalizing and neutralizing the home’s interior and exterior décors.
To put it simply, the job of a home stager is to remove you and the emotional impact of your stuff from your home and make a potential buyer see themselves living there in perfect happiness and tranquility. Home staging is about selling a lifestyle and professional home stagers are experts in making subtle or sweeping changes to any property, in order to facilitate a fast and profitable sale.
Learn more about residential property staging and how it can benefit you.
Master the strategies needed for maximizing profitability from income properties by home staging vacation rentals.
Home staging trends come and go. Be sure to stay current for maximum effectiveness in marketing any property. We are the definitive source of news in the home staging sector.
What is Property Staging? / How is Staging Accomplished?
Home staging can be a professional service or can be a collection of DIY projects. Anyone can stage a home, but trained professionals obviously have the tools and experience to truly create an ideal atmosphere, while untrained do-it-yourselfers might be hit or miss.
Hiring a home stager can cost a little or a lot, depending on the specifics of the project, but will virtually always more than pay for itself in many ways. However, there are many people who can stage their own properties, using a few simple home staging tips or by hiring a staging consultant to set up a plan of action for them to follow, leading to terrific results, with a far lower pricetag.
Just remember that not every stager will work well with every home or family. There are always compromises to be made, so be sure to find the ideal candidate for your property, before signing any contract or paying a single dime in fees. Learn more about the goals of home staging and plan your own design accordingly.
What is Home Staging? / What Do I Need to Do?
High-end home owners, single home owners or home owners who do not actually live in the home typically have the best experiences using professional full property staging services. These home fluffers can go all-out on the house, making changes as needed, since these alterations are unlikely to disrupt the life of the owner/occupant.
However, normal families with young kids, pets and a ton of stuff might have a far less auspicious relationship with a typical staging professional. It will be frustrating for the stager to deal with all the nuisances presented by the occupying family and it will be annoying for the family to accommodate the aesthetic objectives of the stager. In these cases, no one is right or wrong. There simply needs to be common ground wherein compromises can be worked out to suit all parties involved. This is precisely why I recommend learning all you can about home staging before even considering listing your property or hiring a stager. The more you know, the better the process will go for all.
In the end, you will benefit the most by selling your house for top dollar and moving on with your life in your new destination. Keep reading to learn more about staging your home.
If you want to start a new career in this excellent and fun industry, you can learn home staging with our easy program at home.